This work was jointly funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the
Oceans and Atmosphere Business Unit of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organisation (CSIRO). The key methods underlying this report, online survey and expert elicitation relied on the goodwill, support and above all, the knowledge of individuals and organizations who provided the information. The authors would therefore like to extend their genuine thanks to the following collaborators:
- To all participating regional fisheries institutes for their support and interest in the project, and in
extending their encouragement to their staff to complete the survey; - To the staff who took the time to complete the survey; the knowledge of each participant was
invaluable and has helped to better understand IUU fishing in the region; and - To the expert panel, in particular for the generosity of time taken and depth of knowledge
imparted during interviews, and for following up on key points of interest.
The authors would also like to thank Liberty Asia for its comprehensive dataset, which was key to validating
and formulating the media analysis. We would also like to thank FAO who provided a previously
unpublished report which formed the foundation for the development of this project. The final draft of the
review was edited by Robin Leslie.
Finally, the authors would like to acknowledge Mr Adi Budi Wicaksono, Vice Director of Surveillance and
Fleet Operations, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia. Mr Wicaksono was a valued colleague
and friend, as well as an important contributor to this project. His death is a great loss to his colleagues,
friends and family